Details :List in Progress re: College Educational Elements on the History of Melanie R. La Perriere now considered widely to hold: B.A., MUSIC STUDIES, STATE UNIVERSITY of NEW YORK, EMIPRE State College division n.b.: Corollary to partial set of photo images of higher education transcript documents Credit Hours: acknowledged as awarded by issuing educational agencies :approx. (~) 198 Credit Hours: awarded by issuing educational agencies re: Specific Degree program requirements: {see other list for field &pre-college awards } SCIENCE:- [ List please, Lower and Upper Level courses : ART:-[ List please, Lower and Upper Level courses : Educational Achievement Recognition Awards REceived: [ list please ] Grade Point Average: variable interpretation, mean =3.7 {at variance: grade evaluation received earlier changed from institution to institution} Graduate Record Examinations [ grad entrance requirement ]: 30 -32 point subject tests taken for which no credit was awarded: physics, biology { 2x }, english Lit., music, and ? Advanced Placement English ranked o.k., not considered however GRE general: awarded DEGREE PROGRAMS ENTERED: Bachelor of Science , REGENTS COLLEGE ,SUNY & BACHELOR OF ART : ESC, SUNY CLEP exams: Subject Area [ List Please ]: points: awarded all available for each area by Issuer: College Level Examination Program, Princeton. / scores, list: Enrolled in : where courses were taken: [ List Please ] { A.P. } UNIVERSITY of NEUFCHATEL, SWITZERLAND; FRANKLIN & MARSHALL;FRANKLIN COLLEGE SWITZERLAND; Fordham University; CITY COLLEGE of the State of New York; REGENTS COLLEGE, STATE UNIVERSITY of NEW YORK; EMPIRE STATE COLLEGE, SUNY Colleges through which courses were taken : while enrolled at other college: [ List Please ]in progress: INSTITUTO ALLENDE, MEXICO; INDIANA UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY of NEBRASKA Under Graduate Entrance exams taken: subject areas [ list please ]; scores received: [ List Please ] Personal evaluation of procedures : References matching course work completed : { List Please } CERTIFICATES HELD: [ List Please ]: